Showing 13 Result(s)
Happy Repeat Business

How to have more Repeat Business…

It is a known fact that it costs six times more to gain a new customer. In such a scenario, it becomes critical to keep your customers coming back so you get repeat business – over and over again. Here are 3 Steps to Keeping Your Clients Longer: 1- Welcome Your Customers. People are more …

Happy Customers

Quality Service Makes Good Cents

Ask any business owner about customer service and satisfaction and most will admit that it’s critical to their overall success and profitability. Ask them what they DO to ensure their team consistently delivers quality service and the answers are vague or in some cases they simply shrug and say β€˜not much’. While customer satisfaction is …

Never Ignore Your existing Customers!

I had a recent client who started coaching with me. He was eager to grow his business, and I was able to get him to focus like a laser beam on revenue and client growth. Month after month… He applied all of our marketing and business development tools and generated significant growth and profit. He …